The Marketing Glossary

The Marketing Glossary

Welcome to the Marketing Glossary. We have a complete A-Z list of marketing terms with clear and straightforward definitions for each of them. We hope this will help you become familiar with different phrases when you’re starting your digital marketing journey, and it will help you utilise them in your marketing. The Marketing Glossary is an excellent resource for beginners new to digital marketing who wants to understand the basics.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

#301 redirect

An HTTP response code is used for permanent redirecting. This means that the current link the user is trying to reach has been permanently changed to another page.

#302 redirect

An HTTP status code means that the page the user is trying to visit has been temporarily moved.

404 broken page

An HTTP status code that lets the user know that the web page the user is looking to visit could not be found on the website’s server.


Ad Server

An ad serv­er is a piece of technology (AdTech) that is used to manage and run advertisements online.

Affiliate Marketing

A type of performance-based marketing where businesses reward affiliates for each customer brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.


A mathematical formula behind systems and programmes to provide users with the most relevant material to their query.


Alt-text is the text that shows in place of images or pops up when you hover over an image. It describes the image and is used for multiple reasons, one of those to help people with visual impairments.

Anchor Text

This is the text that is the visible, clickable element in the HTML hyperlink, usually in blue and underlined.


This is the credit that is assigned to a marketing source that turned a lead into a customer.


A website’s authority relates to its popularity or relevance in an industry/ area. A website’s authority is based on several factors such as backlinks, traffic, social shares and more.



B2B stands for “business to business”, which refers to companies that sell to other businesses.


This refers to other websites that have linked back to your website.

Bounce Rate

This is the percentage of visitors who visit a website and then leave without leaving at any other pages.

Broad Match

This refers to a keyword match type for PPC advertising responsible for showing ads if the keywords show up in the search query in the exact or similar variant form.



A CTA is known as a call-to-action. A button, image, or link encourages a user to visit a landing page to become a lead. An example of this is “Download now”.

Canonical Tags

A canonical tag is a way to tell search engines that a specific URL represents the master copy of a page.


A (CMS) Content Management System is software used to manage the creation of digital content. For example, WordPress is a content management system to manage web content.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a strategy used to attract and engage users by creating and sharing videos, blogs, podcasts, and more to retain that audience.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of visitors to your website that complete a conversion out of total visitors. A conversion is a set goal such as a purchase or an enquiry.


Cookies are small pieces of code used to identify your computer as you use a computer network.


CPA, which stands for cost per action/acquisition, is a conversion rate used in marketing. This refers to a fee that a company will pay in an advertisement to gain a sale.


CPC, which stands for cost per click, is an advertising model used online to drive traffic to a website. The advertiser pays a fee to a publisher each time their ad is clicked.


Known as cost per mile or cost per thousand is a popularly used measurement in marketing. This is associated with the price an advertiser pays for one thousand views/impressions of an ad.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) focuses on managing positive interaction and communication with customers.


CRO marketing or Conversion Rate Optimisation Marketing is the process of increasing the percentage of visitors to your website to take a desired action such as an email list or filling out a form.


Cascading style sheet (CSS) is a programming language that dictates how a web page will look. CSS covers colours, fonts, layouts and more.


Digital Advertising

This refers to advertising on any digital platform. This includes social media such as Facebook and TikTok, as well as on search engines like Google.

Direct Marketing

Direct Marketing is a form of advertising that targets a specific person or business. It usually includes a CTA. Two examples of direct marketing are email marketing and direct mail marketing.

Display Ads

Display advertising is the use of graphics to advertise on websites, apps, or social media. They can be made up of images, video, text or others.

Domain Name

A domain name is a string of text that identifies a network address belonging to a particular company. Domain names are unique in that no two websites can have the same domain names.

Duplicate Content

This is the amount of identical content that features on more than one page or website.



E-commerce is the process of buying and selling goods/services using the internet.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the use of email to promote a business’s product and services. It usually involves the sending of advertisements.

Engagement Metrics

Measures the engagement of a website.

Exact Match

Refers to a key­word match type for PPC adver­tis­ing in which your ad will show your ad when a searcher types the exact phrase you bid on.



A marketing funnel is a roadmap laid out by a business to guide potential customers from their first interaction with them to becoming paying customers.



Geo-Targeting is the practice of targeting visitors online with location-based content based on the visitor’s location in the world.

Google Ads

Google Ads is an online advertising platform set up by Google. On this platform, users can bid to display ads, product listing and more to users. You can place the ads in the results of search engines like Google and on websites, apps and videos.

Google Analytics

This is an analytics service offered by Google. Here you can track and measure website traffic.

Google My Business

Google my business is a free service offered by Google which lets you provide information about your business such as a description, photos, phone numbers and more. This information will then appear when someone searches for your business.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a web service by Google which allows webmasters to check the indexing status of their webpages and optimise the visibility of their website. In GSC, you can see your impressions, clicks, average position and more.

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system again offered by Google. GTM allows you to deploy and manage marketing tags that are tracking pixels. Using GTM, you can set up tags to track conversions, remarketing and more.



A hostname is a label assigned to a host on the internet, which allows an individual server to be identified.


Hypertext markup language (HTML) is the programming language used to create web pages. With CSS and Javascript, HTML can tell a browser how to style, format and link everything together on a website.


A hyperlink is a piece of text or an image on a website that takes you to another page or website when you click on it. It is often blue and underlined.



An impression is a metric used to calculate the number of digital views or engagements on a piece of content. Impressions are often used in online advertising where users can pay per impression.


Indexing is the process of submitting web pages to Google Search.



Javascript, also known as JS, is a programming language used for creating website features that focus on user interaction.



A keyword is a term used in digital marketing to describe a word/group of words a user uses to search in a search engine. Keywords are an essential strategy for SEO.

Keyword Density

This relates to the percentage of times a keyword/ phrase appears on a web page compared to the total amount of words used overall.

Keyword Research

This is the process of discovering the keywords used by potential customers to find your products. You can then pick the most relevant keywords within your reach that have a good search volume.


KPIs known as Key Performance Indicators are used to measure how effectively a marketing campaign has succeeded.


Landing Page

A landing page is a standalone web page created solely for a marketing/advertising campaign. A visitor may reach this page after clicking a link on an email or ads from social media.


A lead refers to contact made with a potential customer. A lead for some companies is a visitor who is determined to be a prospective customer.

Lead Generation

Lead generation is the beginning of a consumers interest in the products/services of a business. You can create leads for a range of purposes, such as email list building or sales leads.

Lifetime Value (LTV)

Customer lifetime value is the revenue one customer will bring to a business over their lifetime. Lifetime is often defined as the average time that someone remains a customer of that business,

Link Juice

This is a term used to describe how much value a backlink passes on to another website.

Link Building

This is the process of getting links from other websites to your website. More valuable links are associated with a higher authority score.


Machine Learning

Machine learning uses (AI) Artificial Intelligence which refers to an algorithm’s ability to learn a pattern and improve its functionality.

Market Research

Market Research is an organised effort to gather information about customers and target markets.

Meta Description

The meta description is an HTML element that describes the content of your page. It benefits both users and search engines as this description will be used in the search results.

Meta Titles

A meta title is known as the title tag. Meta titles refer to the text that is displayed on the search engine results page. This helps indicate the topic of the page. This is crucial for SEO.



Nofollow is a setting on a hyperlink that tells search engines not to use this link for page ranking.


Noindex is used to tell search engines to exclude this page from the index, which means that it will not appear in the search results.


Organic Search

Any non-paid results that appear will be organic results.


Paid Search

Paid search refers to digital marketing, where online advertising is triggered when someone searches a keyword a company has bid on.


A persona, also known as a buyer persona, is a semi-fictional representation of a group of customers who have similar goals, journeys and profiles. It can be an effective way of finding your target audience.


(PPC) Pay-per-click is an online advertising model which involves displaying ads on search engine results pages, blogs and others. The advertiser pays a fee every time a visitor clicks the ad.


Quality Score

A quality score is a numerical value assigned by Google AdWords in their PPC platform. The quality score is determined by several factors such as an ad’s clickthrough rate, keyword relevance and other factors. A combination of your quality score and your maximum CPC and advertiser competitiveness determine the position of your ad and what you pay per click.



Rankings refer to the hierarchy of websites on any search engine results page.


Redirect is the method of taking a user to an alternative page to the one they clicked on. For example, the page may be outdated, so they created a newer version of that page.


Remarketing is a method of keeping our products in front of people who have shown interest in it.


Robots.txt is a file created by webmasters that tells search engine crawlers which pages/files they can or can’t request from your website.


Schema Markup

Chema Markup is code installed on your website to help search engines to return relevant, informative results.

Search Query

These are the words or phras­es a user types into a search engine when searching.


(SEM) Search Engine Marketing is a digital marketing strategy used to increase the visibility of a website on the search engine results page.


SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is increasing the ranking and visibility of a website in the SERPs. There are many factors to successful SEO.

Search Engine Rankings

Search Engine Rankings indicates what position your website places in the search engine results page for specific keyword/s.


Sessions are defined as a group of interactions a single user takes in a given duration on your website.

Sitemap XML

Sitemap XML is a list of pages on a website that search engines should index.


Spiders are automated programmes that crawl your website to collect information about them, and they do this to understand their function and relevance.

SSL Cert

An SSL certificate authenticates a website’s authenticity and enables an encrypted connection.


Tracking Code

A tracking code is a small piece of HTML code placed on a website to track actions such as user behaviour and conversions.



(UI) User Interface Design refers to designing software for devices based on usability and (UX) User experience.


UTM is a text added to the end of a URL that generates Google Analytics data for digital campaigns run.


(USP) The unique selling point is what makes your company or products unique. They help you stand out against the competition.


(UX) User Experience is the consideration of user needs in design. Designing for users’ needs will help with a successful campaign as you need your website to appeal to people.



A wireframe is a visual representation of a web page, content and behaviour. They usually are diagrams created to arrange a website’s navigation, functionality and more. It is after this is done you create the website.



Yoast is a highly regarded SEO plugin for WordPress websites that helps users optimise their sites for search engines. Once you begin your digital marketing career, you will hear a lot of Yoast.

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