Customer Personas

A Guide To Customer Personas

A Customer Persona is a semi-fictional character that represents the key traits of your audience based on data you’ve collected from research. A lot of the time, you will know your ideal customer but not think about it. This is where customer personas come in helpful. In this guide, we will go into more details about customer personas in this article. We will show you templates, discuss what they are, and how you can create the perfect customer persona for your business.

What Are Customer Personas?

What Are Customer Personas?

Customer personas allow companies better to understand their target audience and their key traits. They are based on analysing data and research of real customers you have had. This helps to build a detailed customer, including critical information such as motivations, frustrations, goals, where they will find your business and more. Brands can then use this information to help them ore accurately target these customers.

But where do we get this information from?

We can find a lot of this information on Social Media. Most platforms have built-in analytics that offers vital data. Facebook Insights is a fantastic tool for businesses. Here brand scans see how users are interacting with ads. They can also find out which content they are most engaging with. You can compare user data such as gender, relationship status, age and so on. Brands can pinpoint an accurate persona when they use this data.

Customer personas can also be influenced by feedback giving or surveys conducted by the business. They may ask specific questions to find out more about their customers.

Using all this information to create a customer persona can help you get ahead of your customers and generate the content they like or make an ad to find new customers based on created personas.

Why Are Customer Personas Important?

Why Are Customer Personas Important?

Customer Personas help ensure that you serve your customer’s needs and tailor content and ads towards your customers or potential new customers. Of course, all this sounds straightforward, but in reality, it’s not.

It is essential to have customer personas so that you can identify your customer’s needs and wants. By evaluating your customer personas’ goals and challenges, you get a better impression of what your customers are looking for and the answers they’re looking for. It is a vital way to sell to them and what you should offer. It might help you produce a new product or provide a unique service based on problems you find with your customers. It can also help you decide what content to generate to share on your website, social media and blogs.

Understanding how your personas purchase a product/service will help you to decide where and when to promote your services in front of them. You may have a person who does the majority of their research online before buying from a company. Knowing this can help you get ahead of them by providing relevant information on your website that they will find helpful. You are already selling to them without them pressing buy on anything.

Should I Create Multiple Customer Personas?

Should I Create Multiple Customer Personas?

We would recommend when starting off to create one core persona and to build up from there. One mistake businesses make is by making too many personas. Once you research the data based on your most successful customers, you will see where one person end and another begins. There should be a clear differentiation between each persona. This will lead to you having a much clearer picture of the persona you should be marketing to.

You may only need one persona. A fewer number of personas won’t necessarily y reduce your overall workload. But you will be able to fine-tune your business to fewer personas. You will spend more time creating tailored content and campaigns for each one rather than creating for countless profiles that are straying from your core persona.

A lot of brands tend to use the 80-20 rule for customer personas. This means that if one or two personas cover 80% of the buyers, then those are the personas you should address. There is no need to create anymore. We feel you are better off optimising towards those one or two profiles rather than spreading yourself out.

So, the key takeaway from here is that creating one or a couple of personas is excellent for your business and keeps it more focused. On the other hand, creating many personas can be more harmful than positive as you are straying from your actual customers.

Customer Persona Templates

These are Customer Persona Templates we created to give an impression of how they can be created. We created templates for a range of different businesses. Once you read them and become familiar with a few customer personas, you will understand how to make one for your business.

The following is a list of customer personas that we created:

Emily-Looking For a Web Designer

Emily-Looking For a Web Designer

Sharon-Looking For a Lifecoach

John-Looking For Solicitor

John-Looking For Solicitor

John-Looking For Solicitor

John-Looking For Accountant

John-Looking For Accountant

Dan-Looking For Wetsuit

Dan-Looking For Wetsuit

Jada-Looking For Digital Marketing Course

Jada-Looking For Digital Marketing Course

Qiao-Looking For Freelance Videographer

Qiao-Looking For Freelance Videographer

Amara-Looking For Florist

Amara-Looking For Florist


We created all these Customer Personas in Canva, making it very easy to customise and input data. We would recommend using Canva for the creation of these customer personas for your business. We have a blog on how to useĀ  Canva if you haven’t used it before.