Cian Murphy

I talk business, marketing, technology and lifestyle and ways I've saved money on bills and insurance. Everything written on this blog is from personal experiences. Let me know if something is outdated and I'll ensure to republish.

Ring Doorbell Ireland

Ring’s video doorbells are gaining more and more popularity among consumers as the company tries to upgrade the features and specs of its products. Whether you’re concerned about lower-level crime such as package theft or more serious felonies, a video doorbell is essential to the alarm system of your home security. Furthermore, with the increase

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what is microlearning

What is Microlearning

If the learners of your training program find it difficult to understand then allowing them to learn in small parts can be a good approach. This bite-sized learning method is known as Microlearning. In this write-up, you will know this new learning concept and its pros and cons more closely. What Is Microlearning And Why

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Laptop Insurance

Whether you use your laptop to earn your living, surf the internet or just watch the occasional film, being left without a functioning laptop, whatever the reason, can be a major inconvenience. There are a huge range of laptops and Macs out there with many costing upwards of €500. With such an expensive item, it

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