social media content ideas

19 Social Media Content Ideas For Your Business

Running social media accounts for a business can be difficult, and it can be challenging to come up with new ideas every week.

Your followers are hungry for new content and expect you to deliver new engaging content, but it can be challenging. Having some backup ideas is why we feel brands need to have multiple social media content ideas when they are struggling with their creativity. These are great for big and small brands to give you that boost online when you need it. We have created a list below of 20 content ideas that you can get started on today.

1. Create a Weekly Series

A great idea to generate more content is to create a weekly series. A weekly series can take place on your social media or your website but promote it on your social media. do a movie quiz every Friday, and people compete with friends or colleagues in the office for a bit of fun on a Friday. It was a great idea by Joe to create this series as people will be looking for it every week, and you’ll gain even more loyal fans.

2. Run a Contest

People love giveaways and free things.

It is a great way to generate some content as you can post a few updates on it, and it will create a lot of engagement on your social channels. Binance ran a competition on Twitter and wanted people to use their custom hashtag. Of course, we wouldn’t recommend always running contests, or you’ll have nothing left! But it’s nice to reward your audience.

Binance Competition

3. Develop how-to videos and tutorials

Share information through a how-to video or trial. How-to videos give your followers valuable info on a topic and show your expertise on this topic.
Food 52 often tweet some how-to videos and include short quick gifs to give people a brief glimpse into what they’re showing you.

Food 52 how-to video

4. Conduct an Interview

Social Media has made it much easier to conduct an interview. You can use Twitter or Facebook Live to interview an influencer or a professional in your industry to deliver both entertainment and education to your audience.

Social interviews are a bit more informal than standard interviews, and they are easy to watch and can be more fun for your audience. On services like Facebook Live, your audience can also interact with the interview by leaving comments or questions. You could also turn these interviews into podcasts or Youtube videos to generate even more content for social media.

5. Use Trending Topics To Your Advantage

Another way of generating content is to see what’s trending and use it to your advantage. For example, we can look at Twitter to see what is trending on the platform in Ireland. We could create content based on one of these, which may get more interactions than others as we discuss trending topics.

The Tv Show “Squid Game” exploded on the internet when Netflix released the series globally in October 2021. It is one of the most-watched Netflix series ever. Instantly people loved the crazy concept of the tv show and began to share videos and posts online about it. Heineken saw an opportunity to capitalize on a trending topic to advertise themselves.

Squid Game features four shapes which the players must carve out shapes from a cookie. One of these shapes is a star. Heineken has a star on their label, and as you can see from their Tweet, they created a simple but very effective graphic that was shared everywhere online and got people talking.

6. Create a Poll

Creating a poll is a great way to engage your audience. People love picking aside, and maybe it will start a large debate! Perhaps you could also learn some more information on your audience based on questions that you ask. One Twitter account runs hundreds of polls to generate content for Buzzfeed, the media team behind the account.

7. Engage With Your Followers

Brands should always make time to interact with their followers on social media. It shows your audience that you care when your respond. It all generates excellent content, whether it’s just responding to a question or writing back a funny tweet. Having a witty customer service team on Twitter always works well once your followers get a solution to their problems, of course.

8. Do a Behind The Scenes Video

Behind the scenes, content is one of our favourites to watch on Social Media. The Behind The Scenes videos are amazing to see what goes into creating a product or film. If you are a clothing brand, show us a packing video or what the office looks like. Your followers love to see where the magic happens.

This Twitter Account shares content on film and shares this unbelievable behind the scenes video on the set of Avatar showing us before and after CGI. It has been shared numerous times recently, and it’s always great to see what happens on the set of movies. Netflix also shares a lot of behind the scenes videos on their social media channels.

9. Make a Meme

Creating memes can show that your brand has a sense of humour and keeps up with trending topics. People on social media like the see a sense of youth behind the accounts.

Chipotle posts hilarious memes on their Instagram profile every week. They get a lot of interactions from their followers, and it’s an excellent way for them to generate content. They don’t just focus on boring brand stuff but instead appeal to their customers and promote their products uniquely.

10. Share tips or advice

Sharing advice or tips on your social media is an excellent way to educate your followers. It can be something simple or complex. On our Instagram and TikTok accounts, we share a lot of educational content. We share tips on Digital Marketing in the hopes it can help businesses and individuals who follow us.

11. Product Videos

Creating product videos is a great way to promote your products and generate content for social media. They don’t have to be high budget videos but just quick little bite-sized videos revealing a product.

Numerous brands make the most of social media for promotion. One of these brands is Dollar Shave Club. They produce a lot of product videos on their Instagram page which show off their products. They often create these videos using a hint of humour, too, as they are a male grooming business.

12. Live Videos

Live Videos on Instagram and Facebook are a great tool to interact with followers online. People tend to spend more time watching live videos than pre-recorded ones. With Live Ones, your audience can ask you questions in real-time, and you can respond.

You could be vlogging about everyday stuff or conducting a Q&A with your followers. The best thing about this is that you can use this content to be repurposed for a Youtube video, Reel, TikTok or other, so it’s a great content generator.

13. Images of your product

Product images are great to share on social media. They promote your products which may help sell them, and it’s also a source of content for social media. Product images can be very creative with funky backgrounds or locations or very simple.

Betty Crocker produces many product images on their social media channels, and they share lots of recipes to the photos you see and share product images of cakes they sell. Sharing product images and product recipes is a brilliant content strategy for a food brand on social media. They will get lots of engagement, and their users will get a lot out of it.

14. Share a Survey

There are a number of ways to do small surveys on social media. On Instagram, you can ask your audience a question, share a poll, etc. You could also drop a link to survey monkey. There you can ask your audience more in-depth questions.

15. Share Statistics

Stats are a great source of content for social media. You can get stats for your chosen industry by simply doing some research online. You can then share these stats on an Instagram post or post the more extended option of an Instagram Carousel. Stats show people a quick fact and figure which people will find interesting if they follow you. share several stats online, with one of their most recent being an Instagram photo of stats resulting from the Budget 2022. This post from Joe was brilliant as it had both stats, and it was a trending topic at the time as people wanted to see what changes were being made for the year.

16. Repurpose Social Media Content

Why only use content once? This can save you time and help you generate more ideas and content for you.

We don’t mean to share the same thing on social media. Let’s say you’re shooting an interview for a Youtube video. There may be room to repurpose this content to be created into a Podcast. You may also be able to trim these videos down to an Instagram Reel or TikTok.

The MTV show Catfish converted their series into a Podcast by adding some more audio and sound effects. This was a great idea to generate more content from the series and give users the ability to watch or listen to it. They also share clips from the series on their social media channels.

17. Blog posts

If your business has a blog, then share these posts on social media. Post a graphic related to your blog content. If you’re sharing your Instagram Stories and have over 10K followers, you can add a link when users swipe up.
It’s good to let your audience know when you have a new blog posted, and it generates more content for you and attracts more users to view your blog. After we publish this video, we will post it on our social media so people can check it out.

18. Community Spotlight

Sharing community spotlights is a chance to highlight members of your community and an excellent way for your business to generate content.

It’s great to help out others in your community by giving them a shoutout and writing about them. It makes your audience feel like you care about your community. For example, WeWork often share interviews and quotes from members of their community.

19. Host a Virtual Event

Hosting a virtual event is becoming ever so popular since 2020. It’s another way to educate your audience and create engaging content.

Slack hosts a lot of virtual events that they share on their social media constantly. They are always communicating and educating their users more, which reflects very well on their slack software for work messaging.

We hope these social media content ideas can help you and your business. When we are finding it hard to create content we look at this list and take inspiration from it.

Check out the benefits of social media marketing for your business here.